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Zoids Wiki

Work in Progress

Currently updating the list to make it into a table. Looks better, easier to read and adds more info. Long list so I'm saving my progress here until it is completed. If complaints are to be raised, please do so before I undertake more of this action, but I really can't see why this would be a bad thing. Slax01 08:04, August 20, 2010 (UTC)

Updated list. Once done I will do though and clear up the final column, to say whether they are names, model variants or non-model variants... should do it as I go, but I didn't think of it till now. Oh well. =.=; Slax01 22:21, August 20, 2010 (UTC)

Done. Please proof read before using. Other tables will eventually be made (fuzors, variants, non-model Zoids, and other merchandise). Slax01 09:45, August 22, 2010 (UTC)

Model Zoids

Name Type Designation number(s) 1st Release Alternate names
Aquadon Frog RMZ-05 Edit me! Aquazoid
Arosaurer Allosaurus RZ-067 1987 Strike Zilla, Raptor, Arosaur
Attack Zoids Various Various Edit me! Command Zoids (for individual names, see page)
Bamburian Panda GZ-013 2005
Baratz Zoids Various Various Edit me! For individual names, see page
Barigator Crocodile RZ-003 1985 (Aug.) Kroc, Chompz, Armored Gator
Battle Cougar Griffin RPZ-22 1990 Storm Tiger
Battlerover Ornitholestes R24-5 1988 Landgallop, Gamba
Bear Fighter Bear RHI-06 1987 Zear, Cruncher
Berserk Fury Tyrannosaurus EZ-049 2001 Berserk Führer
Bigasaur Diplodocus RBOZ-001 1983 Giant Zrk
Bio Kentro Kentrosaurus GB-003 Edit me!
Bio Megaraptor Megaraptor GB-001 Edit me!
Bio Ptera Pteranodon GB-005 2005
Bio Raptor Velociraptor GB-006 2005
Bio Raptor Gui Microraptor GB-007 Edit me!
Bio Tricera Triceratops GB-004 Edit me!
Bio Tyranno Tyrannosaurus GB-002 2005
Bio Volcano Megaraptor GB-008 Edit me!
Black Rhimos Rhinoceros EHI-02 1986 Redhorn, Hebby Rhimos
Blade Hawk Hawk Edit me! 2005
Blade Liger Lion RZ-028 Edit me!
Blitz Haken Velociraptor BZD-002 Edit me!
Blitz Hornet Hornet BZD-001 Edit me! Blitz Pepsys
Blitz Sworder Stag Beetle BZD-003 Edit me!
Boldguard Panoplosaurus BZ-010 Edit me!
Brachiorakete Brachiosaurus NBZ-006 Edit me!
Brachios Brachiosaurus EZ-012 Edit me! Dark Nessios, Dramadon, Brachiosaur
Brachiozilla Brachiosaurus/Tyrannosaurus BZ-105 Edit me! Brachiorex
Brastle Tiger Tiger EZ-076 2004
Brave Jaguar Jaguar NBZ-01 Edit me! NEOBLOX Panther
Buster Eagle Eagle BZ-009 Edit me!
Cannon Diver Turtle BZ-013 Edit me!
Cannon Spider Spider BZ-102 Edit me!
Cannon Tortoise Tortoise RZ-013 Edit me! Kannon
Cannonfort Buffalo RHI-12 1989
Command Wolf Wolf RZ-009 1987 Zarwolf
Crimson Horn Styracosaurus GRZ-011 Edit me!
Custom Blox Zoids Various Various Edit me! For individual names, see page
Cyclops Elasmotherium CDZ-002 Edit me!
Dark Horn Styracosaurus DPZ-10 1989
Dark Spiner Spinosaurus EZ-060 2001
Deadborder Tarbosaurus DPZ-09 1989 Battle Rex
Deadly Kong Gorilla GZ-014 2005 (8th Nov.)
Deantler Chimera BZ-014 Edit me!
Death Raser Therizinosaurus EZ-074 2004
Death Saurer Dinosaur EZ-021 1987 Deathsaurer
Death Stinger Sea Scorpion EZ-036 Edit me!
Deathpion Scorpion E24-1 1987 Zevle
Decalto Dragon Dragon GZ-017 Edit me! Dekalt Dragon
Demantis Mantis EZ-048 Edit me!
Demonshead Chimera BZ-008 Edit me!
Descat Panther DPZ-24 1991
Diablo Tiger Tiger CDZ-01 Edit me!
Dibison Bison RZ-031 1986
Diloforce Dilophosaurus EZ-050 Edit me!
Dimetrodon Dimetrodon EZ-065 Edit me! Spinefin
Dimetroptera Dimetrodon/Pterosaur BZ-106 Edit me! Dimetra Ptera
Diploguns Chimera BZ-007 Edit me!
Dispelow Buffalo BZ-018 Edit me!
Dontress Mantis E24-03 Edit me! Gigima
Double Sworder Stag Beetle RZ-019 Edit me!
Dragoon Nest Lobster ZCDX-03 Edit me!
Elephantus Elephant RMZ-03 1983 Protozoid
Elephander Elephant RMZ-03 Edit me!
Energy Liger Lion EZ-072 2003 (Dec.)
Evo Flyer Microraptor BZ-019 Edit me!
Fire Phoenix Phoenix RZ-071 Edit me!
Flyscissors Chimera BZ-005 Edit me!
Furolesios Plesiosaurus Edit me! 1984 Hydrazoid
Gairyuki Tyrannosaurus RZ-070 2004
Garantula Spider RMZ-04 Edit me! Spiderzoid, Tarantulon, Legz
Garius Tyrannosaurus RMZ-01 1983 Tyrannazoid
Gator Dimetrodon EZ-022 1983 Spineback, Reptex, Gatordus
Geno Breaker Tyrannosaurus EZ-034 2000
Geno Saurer Tyrannosaurus EZ-026 2000 T-Rex
Geruder Triceratops EMZ-16 1985 Zaton, Zunder, Batlar
Gilvader Wyvern DBOZ-17 1989 Gildragon
Glaive Quama Longisquama EZ-059 Edit me!
Glidoler Duck RMZ-02 1983 Terrazoid, Terrared
Godkaiser Tyrannosaurus RPZ-19 1989 Cannon Caesar
Godos Tyrannosaurus RZ-014 1983 Trooperzoid, Spartak
Gojulas Tyrannosaurus Dinosaur RZ-001 1983 Zoidzilla, Terox
Gojulas Giga Giganotosaurus RZ-064 2002 (Sept.)
Gorem Gorilla E24-07 Edit me! Golgola
Gordos Stegosaurus RZ-008 1984 Great Gorgon, Gordox, Gordosaur
Gorgodos Stegosaurus RMZ-06 Edit me! Stegazoid
Gorgolauncher Gorgosaurus RTF-02 Edit me!
Gorhecks Stegosaurus RZ-066 Edit me! Stego, Gol Hex
Gorilla Tron Gorilla BZ-103 2003 Gorillatron, Ray Kong
Gravity Ptera Pterodactyl EZ-108 2003
Gravity Saix Cheetah FZ-020 Edit me!
Gravity Saurer Suchomimus FZ-021 2002
Gravity Wolf Wolf FZ-019 Edit me!
Grounchar Echidna EZ-051 Edit me! Edit me!
Gul Tiger Tiger DPZ-16 1989 Gultiger
Gungyarados Dragon DPZ-23 1990
Gun Sniper Velociraptor RZ-030 Edit me!
Gun Tiger Tiger EZ-063 Edit me! Edit me!
Gunbluster Ankylosaurus RZ-052 1989 (July) Gunblaster, Gun Blaster
Gustav Insect RPZ-02 Edit me! Red Scavenger
Guysak Scorpion RZ-002 Edit me! Guysack, Scoriozoid, Stang, Evil Scorpion, Gusak
Hammerock Gorilla EMZ-26 1986 Hammer Rock, Zore, Tobizaru
Hammerhead Hammerhead Shark RZ-033 Edit me! Sledge Head
Hard Bear Bear NBZ-02 Edit me!
Hayate Liger Lion GZ-015 2005
Heldigunner Iguana EZ-011 1989 Demon Lizard, Hel Digunner
Helcat Panther EZ-023 Edit me! Atak Kat
Hidocker Dinosaur RMZ-07 Edit me! Brotozoid
Houndsoldier German Shepherd Dog RPZ-12 1989
Hover Cargo Snail ZCDX-03 Edit me!
Hurricane Hawk Hawk NBZ-03 Edit me! Bright Hawk
Ice Blazer Doberman DPZ-21 1990
Iguan Iguanodon EZ-017 1986 Zillon, Lizard, Iguanasaur
Iron Kong Gorilla EZ-015 1983 Gore the Lord Protector, Badox
Jet Falcon Falcon BZ-022 Edit me!
Killerdome Crab EZ-061 2001 Killer Dome
King Baron Lion RPZ-020 1989
King Gojulas Tyrannosaurus RPZ-24 1990
King Liger Lion RPZ-015 Edit me!
König Wolf Wolf RZ-053 2001 (27th Oct.)
Lanstag Moose GZ-012 Edit me!
Laser Storm Chimera BZ-017 Edit me!
Leoblaze Lion BZ-001 Edit me! Genis Wolf, Infinity Leo
Leogator Lion/Alligator BZ-020 Edit me!
Leostriker Lion BZ-012 Edit me!
Lidier Lion EHI-009 Edit me!
Liger Zero Lion RZ-041 2001
Lightning Saix Cheetah EZ-035 2000 Ninjasaix
Lord Gale Gargoyle BZ-011 2003 (Feb.) Saint Gale
Maccurtis Crayfish EZ-047 Edit me! Edit me!
Madthunder Triceratops RZ-055 1988 Thunder Tritops
Malder Snail EMZ-19 1985 Slime, Slithor
Mammoth Mammoth RBOZ-002 1983
Marder Ornithomimus EMZ-13 1983 Merda, Marda, Hellrunner, Runna
Megatopros Triceratops R24-04 Edit me!
Megaleon Chameleon RZ-058 Edit me! Chameleor
Missile Tortoise Tortoise BZ-011.A Edit me! Edit me!
Molga Insect EZ-006 1983 Slitherzoid, Kreep, Slither
Mosasledge Mosasaurus BZ-003 2001
Mugen Liger Lion GZ-016 2005 (Nov.)
Murasame Liger Lion GZ-010 2005
Neptune Alligator R24-06 1988 Bolide
Nightwise Owl BZ-004 Edit me!
Orudios Pegasus RPZ-18 1989 Evil Pegasus
Parablade Parasaurolophus BZ-024 Edit me!
Pegasuros Edit me! Edit me! Edit me! Edit me!
Power Kong Edit me! Edit me! Edit me! Edit me!
Power Mammoth Edit me! Edit me! Edit me! Edit me!
Power Mantis Mantis BZ-102 Edit me! Edit me!
Pterorayse Pterosaur RZ-010 Edit me! Edit me!
Pteras Pterosaur RZ-010 1985 Pterasu, Rado, Ptera Striker
Rainbow Jerk Peafowl GZ-011 Edit me!
Rapto Caesar Edit me! Edit me! Edit me! Edit me!
Raptojaguar Velociraptor NBZ-04 Edit me!
Raynos Pteranodon RZ-039 1987
Raysaurer Tyrannosaurus BZ-104 Edit me! Edit me!
Rayse Tiger Tiger RZ-075 2004
Red Horn Styracosaurus EZ-004 1983 Brutox, Greenhorn
Redler Dragon EZ-005 1986 Zolkon, Dragonfly, Redwing, Reddra,
Rev Raptor Velociraptor EZ-027 Edit me! Rev Rapter, Raven Raptor
Roadskipper Ostrich E24-02 1987 Road Skipper, Zeeva0
Saberlion Lion RZ-062 Edit me!
Saicurtis Beetle EZ-018 Edit me! Scarab
Salamander Pterosaur RZ-045 1984 Krark, Radox, Pteramander
Sandspeeder Vehicle R24 F-2 Edit me! Sandspeeda
Sauro Knight Dinosaur Edit me! Edit me!
Savinga Flying Squirrel BZ-023 2004
Scissor Storm Chimera BZ-015 Edit me!
Sea Panther Hermit Crab EMZ-31 1987
Seismosaurus Seismosaurus EZ-069 2004
Serpent Edit me! Edit me! 1983/4 Edit me!
Shadow Fox Fox RZ-046 2000 Fire Fox
Shellkarn Chimera BZ-006 Edit me!
Shield Liger Lion RZ-007 1985 Shield Tiger, Fangz, Claw
Shot Eagle Eagle RTF-01 1990
Shotwalker Spider 24-F1 Edit me! Edit me!
Sinker Ray EMZ-019/EZ-032 Edit me! Z-Ray, Stunra, Sea Striker
Snipe Master Velociraptor RZ-057 2001
Soul Tiger Tiger GZ-008 2005
Spiker Edit me! Edit me! Edit me! Edit me!
Spino Sapper Spinosaurus EZ-043 Edit me! Spinosnapper
Stealth Viper Snake RZ-020 1986 Snakes, Znake, Venom Snake, Venomous Viper
Stegoganzer Stegosaurus NBZ-005 Edit me!
Storch Archaeopteryx EZ-068 Edit me!
Storm Sworder Pteranodon RZ-029 2000
Styluarmor Chimera BZ-015 Edit me!
Sword Wolf Wolf GZ-007 2005
Tank Edit me! Edit me! 1983/4 Edit me!
Thundercannon Triceratops RTF-03 1990 Edit me!
Transhawk Hawk Edit me! Edit me!
Twinhorn Mammoth EMZ-28 1986 Twin Horn
Ultrasaurus Ultrasaurus RZ-037 1986 Battlesaurus
Unenlagia Unenlagia BZ-002 Edit me!
Valga Pill bug GRZ-009 Edit me!
Warshark Coelacanth EZ-040 1986 Wardick, War Shark
Whale King Whale ZCDX-01 Edit me! Edit me!
Whitz Wolf Wolf RZ-073 2004 Rez Tiger
Zabat Bat EZ-044 2000
Zaber Fang Tiger EZ-016 1984 Sabre Tiger, Zabre, Saber Tiger
Zatton Brachiosaurus EMZ-17 1983 Zunder, Brox
Zeekdober Doberman DPZ-13 1989 Doberman

Fuzor Zoids
The following Zoids are a combination of other Zoids. Note that the following includes Zoids that have not been released in model form.

Fuzor Component Zoids
Bite Griffon Brave Jaguar, Hard Bear, Hurricane Hawk
Berserk Seismo Seismosaurus and Styluarmor
Brachio Tortoise Brachiozilla and Missile Tortoise
Buster Fury Buster Eagle and Berserk Fury
Chimera Dragon Flyscissors, Shellkarn, Diploguns, and Demonshead
Command Striker Command Wolf and Leostriker
D.A. Lizards Leoblaze and Unenlagia
Death Saurer VF Death Saurer and Victory Rex
Decalto Dragon Death Raser and Parablade
Energy Armor Liger Energy Liger and Styluarmor
Energy Falcon Energy Liger and Jet Falcon
Energy Ray Liger Energy Liger and Ray Kong
Energy Storm Energy Liger, Scissor Storm and Laser Storm
G2 Rex Raptojaguar, Stegoganzer, (LB) Gojulas
Gairyuki Destroy Gairyuki and Dispelow
Gairyuki Speed Gairyuki and Evo Flyer
Geno Hydra VF Geno Hydra and Victory Rex
Gojulox Leoblaze, Unenlagia, Nightwise, Demonshead, Shellkarn, and Diploguns
Groundrago Raptojaguar, Stegoganzer, Brachiorakete
Griffin Buster Eagle and D.A. Lizards
Jet Rayse Tiger Rayse Tiger and Pterorayse‎
Killer Spiner Killerdome and Dark Spiner
Liger Zero Falcon Liger Zero and Jet Falcon
Liger Zero Phoenix Liger Zero and Fire Phoenix
Murasame Liger Knight Custom Murasame Liger, Sauro Knight
Murasame Liger Shinobe Custom Murasame Liger, Blade Hawk
Matrix Dragon Leoblaze, Unenlagia, Mosasledge, and Nightwise
Trans Rayse Tiger Rayse Tiger and Transhawk
Trans Whitz Tiger Whitz Tiger and Transhawk
Trinity Liger VF Trinity Liger and Victory Rex
Ultimate Seismo Seismosaurus, Scissor Storm and Laser Storm
Whitz Tiger Whitz Wolf and Savinga
Valkyrie Caesar Brave Jaguar, Hard Bear, (LB) Murasame Liger
Victory Liger VF Victory Liger and Victory Rex

Unreleased Model Zoids
The following Zoids have had models produced, but were never sold to the public.

Name Type Produced for 1st Release Base Zoid
Bio Chimera Chimera Zoids: Generations Edit me! Original
Bio Spino Spinosaurus Zoids: Generations Edit me! Dark Spiner
Gravity Rex Edit me! Seen at convention Edit me! Original
Mother Bio Tyrannosaurus Zoids: Generations Edit me! Bio Tyranno
Trinity Liger Lion Zoids Saga Edit me! Original

Non-Model Zoids
The following table lists original Zoid designs that have never been released as a model. In addition to this list are many Zoids with designs based off existing model kits. Due to the number of these Zoids, they have been excluded from this table.

Name 1st Appearance
Bio Liger Zoids Saga DS
Blitz Tiger Zoids Legacy
Geno Hydra Zoids Saga
Slash Liger Zoids Web Comic
Snipe Liger Zoids Web Comic
Victory Liger* Zoids Saga Fuzors
Victory Rex Zoids Saga Fuzors

*The Victory Liger was released as a One-Blox kit, but never as an actual model.

Title Change

It should be List of Zoids Models since the page doesn't include anime or video game exclusive zoids. You could add the exclusive zoids but they tend to cause problems in articles. (I swear they are jinxed)ZGWolf 14:59, August 20, 2010 (UTC)

we have a page for that List of Non-Model Zoids--Leon35 15:11, August 20, 2010 (UTC)

I know we have a page for non Model Zoids, but a link on that very page says that this is a list of all zoids. it's not so the title should be changed to List of Model Zoids. (or we could add the game exclusive which is said was a bad idea anyway) ZGWolf 15:23, August 20, 2010 (UTC)

Looking great!

For the Designation number, what's going to happen to Zoids released under a different number during different lines? (Example: Energy Liger is EZ-72 in NJR but the Fuzors EL is FZ-15) You already have Arosaurer listed as release date 1987 and that one is RHI-008 but the current designation is it's NJR counterpart's. What do we default to?

Also, are we going to include Fusion Zoids?

@ ZGWolf, I think we should keep this title the same as the models inspired the rest of the Zoids media. And re-title the non-model page "List of Unreleased Zoids" so we can have a more complete counterpart including things like Mother Bio(which still has its own article) Power Mammoth and Quad Liger. SharkWings 17:29, August 20, 2010 (UTC)

@SharkWings, I'm using their original designation number. Fusions are currently being added as variants of their respective zoids, though I may make a fuzors table as well.
@ZGWolf, once I'm done with this table I'll make tables for non-model zoids, zoids merchandise, unreleased zoids and the like. I'll probably put them all on this page, but I'll see how manageable it is first. Though I agree, it is difficult to navigate to the non-model page currently. Slax01 21:31, August 20, 2010 (UTC)

Looks like your using the NJR designation. Also, do we need every variation name on the side of this one chart?

I mean we could just have a seperate HMM table (since HMM's are getting varients of thier own) and a seperate Fuzors/fused Zoids table (because they will be listed as variations of several Zoids when technically the fusion is niether, Griffon for example isn't an Eagle type or Lion type or Unenlagia type either).

My biggest problem with this table is that the current list of zoids shows which releases each zoid was released in and their name for each release, which this table does neither of. --Azimuth727 03:17, August 21, 2010 (UTC)

The problem with that is that the releases sections, as they stand, are unreliable anyway. I've already said why on the forums. I mean, try searching the "genesis" line and see what you come up with. Until the releases are fixed up, I am reluctant to add them to the table, as I do not feel that they currently constitute wiki-grade content. However, that said, it can easily be added later once the sections are brought up to par.

I do agree that what I've currently got isn't the best table on earth, and I'm thinking that I'll remove the variants and fuzors from the final column and just leave alternate names. Variants and fuzors can be put into a separate table. If needed, merging them later would prove to be a simple task. Editing the table is easy, constructing them in the first place is the hard bit. Slax01 03:45, August 21, 2010 (UTC)

Updated up to F with the last column only having names. Slax01 02:15, August 22, 2010 (UTC)

2 minor tweaks, Genius Wolf is more of a varient (which you have seperated) than another name, and you have double Sandspeeders. Otherwise it's looking solid.

Removed the extra Sandspeeder. I also removed Genius Wolf and Crimson Horn- I notice that they are, for all intents and purposes, completely unrelated to the article that contains them, other than mild appearance similarities. In fact, they should be made into their own pages, they both appear to have enough info. Also, there are several Zoids, like the Trinity Liger, Mother Bio, Bio Spino and Bio Chimera, which are supposedly models but aren't on here (these bio's aren't on the non-model list either for that matter). Slax01 06:18, August 27, 2010 (UTC)

i have an idea. since multiple zoids have multiple designation numbers, why not replace that one box and have it say "Original Designtion number" just a thought. what r your thoughts Slax?--Leon35 01:32, September 6, 2010 (UTC)

I should point out that, due to the lenght of the list, I ended up just using the designation number that was in the infobox on the Zoid's respective page, which may or may not always be the original designation number (I don't know, I didn't check). I've changed the column- it would be better if we have a list with all registration numbers- but anyone is free to make formatting changes, the table is still a WIP after all. Slax01 01:43, September 6, 2010 (UTC)

not very good with a template. if you think i have messed up bad before, just let me edit a template, and you will see how bad i can mess it up uninentionaly. it would be best if i left it alone. you seem to be waay better with that sorta thing.

in regards to the designations, wgat about the zoids with multiple designations? hmm i guess it wont matter--Leon35 02:00, September 6, 2010 (UTC)

I suggest just putting slashes- like RZ-xxx/RPZ-xxxx/EZ-xxxx, etc. -hence why I widened the column. I'm really not great at this stuff- I'm just copy pasting it from other wikis. Slax01 02:10, September 6, 2010 (UTC)

That's the problem with semi-obscure Zoids that have a similar mold; when the Zoid (no matter how big the difference in releases, animal types, roles, intent for creation, designation #'s or factions) or its information isn't popular or lenghty, the Zoid gets tossed in with it's cousin no ifs ands or buts. If Genius Wolf had some stats and it's role in Battle Blox that could be a pretty decent article.

Concerning the placement of those "model" Zoids that got tossed around/forgotten, that's a tough call. Some had 1 model (Bios and Trinity at least) but the intent for the single model is unknown. They could have been ready-to-go prototypes or they could have just been a demonstration custom with absolutely no intent for release (I'm pretty sure the Bios were the latter). Without a direct source it's a bit fuzzy to know what Tomy/whoever the Zoids creator was had planned for the model. Depends on what you want your categories really; "non-models" are known for thier unique media appearances so you could easily fit them in that category. Or you could group them in this table under "unreleased" (I see you have some unreleased like Power Kong) because an apearance in model form is sorta-kinda the very basic definition of an unreleased model. I think your choice to keep them off this table is much better though a small notice that these guys had model would be nice.

Where are you going to put Quad Liger?

The others I can't answer- but the Quad liger will be put in a separate "merchandise" table, the format of which will be different to the above table to accommodate for the differing information- it will probably be sorted by merchandise type, with releases in a sub-column, but I have not drafted these tables yet as I don't have enough info on the subject matter(s). Slax01 02:20, September 6, 2010 (UTC)

Added more tables. Feel free to fill them out. Slax01 01:43, September 10, 2010 (UTC)

I *think* that's everything.... If no-one points out any errors in a reasonable amount of time, I'll put this on the page, and move the current page onto the talk, so that we don't loose anything by accident. Slax01 09:52, September 13, 2010 (UTC)

Quad Liger, sure it's super-obscure but at least stick it with Victory Liger, I mean it's a Zoid not just merchandise.

Genius Wolf got lost somewhere, I'd say give it a place on the list even if the article goes back to leoblaze (for now...)

Also, Murasame Liger Shinobe Custom and Knight custom could be tossed in with the Fuzors because that's what they are (well, close enough), as well as Valkyrie Ceasar, Groundrago, Bite Griffon and G2 Rex (yeah, I know you don't like Neo Blox but give 'em a shot on the list).

Attack Zoids anyone? Poor little Shotgaroo is left out again, as well as its little freinds.

Stealth Dragon could use an honorable mention in the non-model, it's relatively unique. HammerKaiser too.

Centaur could be shoved in unreleased models because it was way cooler -er- more relevant to the battle story than the likes of the Bio oddballs (which I'd still consider customs based on the whacked rules around here).

Uhhh, lets see... oh! What about the imfamous Black Zoid? Silverman wouldn't be happy if he saw his monstrosity forgotten.

Yeah, that's about it. I'd push for a varients table but that'd take forever and a day with added frustration.

Quad Liger I'll add when I get the info we need about it. citations for where the name came from, citations for the company who produced it, etc. As it stands now, it has even less info the the pilot figurines, so it can go with them until it gets the citations its lacking. From what I know of the Hammer Kaiser- it doesn't have enough info to be either classified as either a variant or a separate Zoid, therefore, to avoid missreporting fanwanking as fact, I've left it out. Stealth Dragon I cannot act on with the information I have at hand, for the same reasons as hammerkaiser. Centaur is not on this wiki, and I won't add it to this list till it is. From what I know of it, unreleased seems like a perfectly acceptable place to put it, but until the citations are provided, I won't add it. Black Zoid... we could. but its more like a wild Zoid than a Zoid Zoid. Attack Zoids, Custom Blox and Baratz have been added. The fuzors list has been edited so that its not just a copy-paste from the fuzor zoid page, and hence updated. And by the way, I don't appreciate false rumours being spread about me, so don't make ignorant claims about my preferences. Slax01 02:17, September 16, 2010 (UTC)

Quad Liger, like a good number of Gashapon Zoids, is Tomy's by right but sold in Yujin (source: the packet Quad came in; and Tomy's site a long time ago). Who designed it is another quest, but several Zoids are like that (gravity Zoids are one example, Hasbro sold them but Tomy might have been in on the design) Electrogigante might havesome answers on Quad's origins if you want a more reliable source than me. Set 11 was released in 2003 if you want a date and no designation number was given. It's a Liger type for that section. Stats and faction may have been on Tomy's site in the days of yore but, like the comics, they're long gone. There's some infofloating around for stats, attacks and weaponry though I wouldn't trust it. List wise I'd just stick it in non-model and toss Gashapon on the side.

No Centaur page? I'll fix that.

What to do with Black Zoid... it could go in the Wild Zoids page like you said, or it could go in Silverman's page because it is essentially Silverman, or it could be a new page because it's a pretty important Zoid in the UK Comic. Any suggestion?

I see Slash Liger made the unreleased cut, how about putting in Aero Liger and Proto Zaber in there. The game considers them new and uniqueZoids even if the average fans don't. Infact, the whole "those are Saber and Shieldy varients" thing is a myth made by people here, before Zoids Wiki they were as seperate as Blade Liger and Dark Horn, just check VSII or Battle Legends... hello tangent.

Fanwanking, fun word. Stealth Dragon and HammerKaiser might be worth listing link-less for ease in searching rather than info. When listed, it will indicate that they are indeed Zoids that existed in some sort of media. Even if users won't be able to find a page on these two, at least they can know S.Dragon was Zoid from the Manga and HammerKaiser was a Zoid from the Anime. Sorta like how the Fuzors table shows which Zoids are used to create each Fuzor even when a few (Trans Rayse, Shinobe Liger) don't have thier own page or much information. If they still don't make the cut, eh.

That's sorta the reason a Varients table would be handy, try looking for Sabre the shiny kitty, it's under Zaber Fang or Sabre the Gravity Saurer pilot. Someone, say a guy who found his Zoids 2 collection, looking for a bit of wiki info on Sabre only knowing it was a Zoid would find nothing in the S section, how would he know to go all the way down to Z? Same with Great Saber or Terox, sure they'll get a re-direct but a confusing one. Eh, too much work anyhow.

@Quad Liger- That info doesn't belong here- it belongs on the Quad Liger page. Once its added there I'll add it here.
@Black Zoid- a Silverman page would work- there are alot of pages that need making- but I've been prioritising this page, as its the most important navigation-wise. But as you can see, it's taking a while.
@Aero and Proto- I've not added anything from the Video Games(other than the ones with their own pages) because I don't have a citation for them. this is because I can't get my database on Saga DS filled out (with DS being the most recent). If I could, I am more than happy to put them in, where approrpiate, thanks to the nifty tree-table that Saga DS has, but until then, I can't be certain which Zoid goes into which tree (the Areo I'm pretty sure would be in the slot between Spark Liger and Shield Liger DCS- both of which I think are simply shield Liger mods, but the Proto Zaber could be in one of three different lists). I don't have VS, so I can't check those games. And that page you linked to doesn't tell me they are uniqe Zoids- only that they were released in Cyber Drive. I may be misreading, but hey, I can't learn Japanese overnight xD
@Hammer Kaiser, given the anime info, this not going on this list, any more than the sub Prozen uses to move that Glacier to New Helic City. Sure, additional information may prove it is a stand-alone Zoid that should be mentioned, but until those citations are provided, its not going on here. Stealth Dragon I know nothing about, so it could go somewhere, but again, would need citations to justify the location.
@Variants table- Yeah, it'd be a good thing to have. I can't do it myself, unless I can figure out how to fill out this stupid Saga DS database-diagram (I have the friggin Zoid, so why is it not on the database- WHY???) Slax01 00:02, September 17, 2010 (UTC)

Is the Quad info up to Wiki par? I'll put it on Quad's page if the info's good.

How about a a better link with the actual manual listingProto and Aero as seperate Zoids. Actually, the manual is pretty handy, it shows Geno Hydrais a new Zoid as well as Buster Furyand the like. Best part is, the manual Zoids are considered "base Zoids", no varients are included in the manual, 'cause that would be a HUGE book if it did. (The other link I got about 'new something something Zoido' but I'm a crappy translator too. Those new guys aren't available in the first VS and they can't be downgraded to or upgraded from a different Zoid either)

Varients, hmm, I could take a crack at it if you could explain how to make a table. Really, I was just thinking varient name, which Zoid it is a varient of, and (if available) maybe the designation number, maybe. Still that'd take a loooong time, and most of the list is darn right spiffy in its current form, really cool stuff dude.

Saga database would be so much easier if they just went the road of Pokemon. Pffft, I got the Zoid, now I gotta find another one to battle and hope the data is collected before I destroy it? C'mon, I'm going to fry a couple hundred Zoids that way! Maybe my brain too...

@Quad Liger: *shrug* I dunno XD I really don't know stuff all about the models- put it on the page and hopefully someone else will comment either way (hence why I say add it to that page- it gets lost on this page)- seems fine to me though.
@scans, well, the buster fury is not a stand-alone Zoid- it is a fuzor (and I will be fixing the fury page, but there's a shitload of problems with the current info that I've been trying to sort out first- with only limited success). Therefore, these scans give me no reason to assume the areo and proto are unique. Not saying you're wrong, just that the info I've been given doesn't support the addition.
@how to make a table: copy paste what I've got now, it's all pretty straightforward- the first line ( style blahblahbah) is just setting the border, all the ones following an ! are headers, the width (in pixels?) in quotes, followed by the column's name. Then the "|-" means start a new row, while the "|" means start a new column, and the curly brackets end the table. If you have rich text on, I recommend turning it off. it sucks.
Slax01 09:28, September 18, 2010 (UTC)


I still think we need to note which names go with each release of each Zoid and which releases each Zoid was released in (even if it had the same name). Other than that, I think this looks pretty good.--Azimuth727 20:50, September 17, 2010 (UTC)

Sure, no problem by me, provided the releases are cleaned up first. no point putting "NJR, Fuzors" if NJR and fuzors are on the same page. That just confuses people (notably: myself). Slax01 09:28, September 18, 2010 (UTC)

The Zoids under "unreleased model Zoids" (other than Gravity Rex, which seems to have gotten to prototype stage) all only existed as customs, so I don't know if that's the best thing to call them. Unreleased implies that they could have been produced, but weren't. Pointytilly 11:45, September 18, 2010 (UTC)
